Thanks 2009
The end of 2009 is here and just like everyone else I’m looking back on what the year has brought. It was a huge year here. Most notably the arrival of our sweet little Lillian. What a joy! She’s the apple of our eye and…
you like clay, it's your favorite
The end of 2009 is here and just like everyone else I’m looking back on what the year has brought. It was a huge year here. Most notably the arrival of our sweet little Lillian. What a joy! She’s the apple of our eye and…
I received a call from a friend this afternoon. I had four (4!) cups to add handles to, paint and carve for the last of my Christmas season orders. “Hey, did you know you’re on the Yarn Harlot’s Blog?” Alas, No, I did not. Check…
I’m participating in one more holiday sale. Tomorrow. There will be wonderful prints and lots of great sewn stuff, in addition to a few pots from me. It’s a house sale located at 413 Stryker Ave in St. Paul. We’ll be selling from 11-4pm. C’mon…
Ahh the life of a self employed new mom whose husband is in nursing school. Stunning how little can be accomplished these days. Our dear babe is three months old today! She is a great baby in SO many ways. She’s smiling and laughing now.…
Lil’ Potter was a great help in the kitchen. She made sure the counter didn’t float away!Here she is overseeing the abundance of veggies donated for our soup. Last Friday we held our third Empty Bowls in the Powderhorn area. The week was filled with…
(This picture has nothing to do with the post that follows. It is quite simply a beautiful picture of the wee potter) Most people mark time by the months of the year or holidays. I mark the changing of seasons by the events I attend.…
Big day today. First plane ride for baby potter. She’s loving her spacious hotel room. A little beauty sleep is in order before her Rhinebeck debut! — Post From Lil
Busy, busy! I’m having fun being a new mom. I feel very fortunate to have a mellow, happy baby. She’s been happy to spend time with me in the studio. I strap her into her bouncy chair, turn on my audio book, and we get…
Here at Casa de Lanners we’ve been busy. After a long three days at the hospital we were released at 9 pm last night. Mild chaos was our first night but our first full day was great. Our wee one has an elevated billirubin so…