

As Promised here are some shots of Danebo. Beautiful sun filled rooms with brand new beds and mattresses. All from Ikea – keeping with the Scandinavian theme. Who knew a mattress from Ikea was sooo comfortable? The decor is all typical Scandinavian. Beautiful lace curtains,…



My dear sweetie has a plan to get the website up. Evidently saying, “You really should have a website” or “How’s the website going?” four times a day will be the magical catalyst needed to get the photos finished. So the plan from here on…

the beginning

the beginning

Are you there God? It’s me Jennie. I feel it appropriate to steal a line from Judy Blume. How do you start one of these? I guess with some good ol’ fashioned rambling. I have spent most of the day fumbling through photoshop trying to…