Last Kiln

Last Kiln

It’s been so busy lately. I can’t decide if it’s the season or it’s all the changes in our lives. Crazy is definitely the operative word. After two weekends of sales this month and fifteen events total since March I am finally done. For that…

Pay Pal Problems

Pay Pal Problems

Hello All. It seems that some people coming to the site from knitty are having problems ordering online at my site. Please contact me at until the kinks are all ironed out. I have my web guy on the problem but paypal is taking…

The Sweater

The Sweater

Here are some photos of the finished Norwegian sweater made by one of the fabulous and very talented ladies I knit with at Ingebretsen’s! Isn’t it beautiful?! Even the inside is beautiful. Truly inspiring. After the holidays are over I’m making myself one of these!

Up up and Away

Up up and Away

Well it is finally here. Please visit the site – jenniethepotter. There’s still a few minor issues to resolve and more content to add but it is definitely ready for the world. I also will have an ad in the upcoming knitty. It should be…

Almost there . . .

Almost there . . .

So another day has passed and the website is almost up. There really is just one more thing to do. How exciting! I’ll be sure update this blog when I have the go ahead from my web guy.I realize I have been talking a lot…

Testing, testing . . .

Testing, testing . . .

This morning I received an email from my web guy. The site is almost done and I got to poke around in a test site. It looks good. I’m excited to see the response. I have compiled a small list of folks who are interested…



It’s been a while. I’ve been very busy dealing with some kiln problems. After much frustration – the issue seems to be resolved. Those waiting for special orders have been very patient. For that I am thankful! Most of the backlog should be resolved this…



Happy election day! I encourage all to get out and vote today!Last week at my grandmother’s 93rd birthday my dear brother entertained us all with some family stories performed as political attack ads. I can’t remember the last time we all laughed so hard. Yesterday…

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

It is a wonderful day. A day where I do not have to do anything for anyone but myself! No classes to teach, no errands to run – just me and the studio. I have five or six special orders looming above my head. Most…

The List

The List

In my attempts to organize my life I finally broke down and made the list. The dreaded holiday list. The names of those near and dear enough to be on the knitted list. The usual suspects are there Mom, brother, husband, grandma, inlaws, and close…