Bowls, bowls, bowls, bowls . . .

Bowls, bowls, bowls, bowls . . .

Five Powderhorn folks got together and decided to host an empty bowls. Our goal is to promote art, feed the hungry and promote the common good. Potters make pots, cooks make soup. People come to our event, choose a handmade bowl, make a free will…

Who are these lovely ladies?

Who are these lovely ladies?

On Thursday evening I went to the Barnes and Noble at the MOA to hear Laurie Perry read from her new book. Sweet, charming and friggin’ hilarious. Afterward I had the fine pleasure to go out with Annie and Laurie. I had my first awesome…

Soggy Vacation

Soggy Vacation

We returned from our annual vacation thankful for long underwear and gortex. It rained. And rained. And rained! The plan was to paddle and portage our way through the BWCAW like we do every year. This year we didn’t get our act together to come…



I’ve returned from my weekend in Chicago. ( above you’ll see a mouth watering description found somewhere in Wisconsin) Yarn Con was a nice small event. It was great to see some familiar faces and spend the weekend in Chicago with my new amiga. Franklin…

A Day at Misty Meadow

A Day at Misty Meadow

After waking up very early to unload a last minute kiln, I saw the sun rise in my rear view window as I drove to Misty Meadow Farm. MM is located about 45 min west of my house. I was quickly out of the city…

Finished Object (!?!!)

Finished Object (!?!!)

Lately I’ve been feeling my knitting stash is the land of misfit toys. There are single socks, hats, sweaters, even a shawl that are all at some level of abandonment. Somewhere along the line I became disillusioned with the yarn, the stitch,pattern or eek! my…

Feelin’ Green

Feelin’ Green

Here’s what I did today . . .The weather was overcast and drizzly all day. I couldn’t seem to focus on much – I had some major A.d.d today. Some beauties were painted and carved. I have a few shows left and should be stocking…



Anyone up for a road trip? I have been accepted to Yarn Con in Chicago! The first ever fiber festival in the city! Join me at the Pulaski Park Fieldhouse on October 13th, 2007 Check out the website for details!Also, I totally spaced posting this…

Uff Da!

Uff Da!

Today was Ingebretsen’s day at the Midtown Market. Fall is officially here and with it the harvest of veggies. I was dispatched to the market with a list of vegetables to pickle. While I browsed through the stands I munched on some fabulous food. My…



A little while back I had the great pleasure of meeting Amy Singer of Knitty. She came to my house (!!!!) and “toured” the studio. ( My what a sculptural laundry mound you have . . . ) A custom order was placed. I threw…