

Over the weekend I traveled to Madison to be a vendor at their knitter’s guild event, Knit- it.Volunteers from the guild were there to help the vendors unload (and then re-load). Many classes were offered and each attendee had name tags with their lunch and…

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice

That is what happens when a burning building is doused with water in subzero weather.Maxwell’s a great 12 table bar – I worked there in college. Home to the greatest wings in Mpls. Looks like it will be a while before Mary can make me…



I seem to be experiencing some computer problems. I have had a few people tell me recently that they are attempting to email me @ jennie(at)jenniethepotter(dot)com and the emails are bouncing back. I asked my web guy to look into it last week. He did,…



Sometimes, despite the best of intentions, an event is a total dud. I have been very lucky, having more success than failure, until this week. I did an event that was mind numbingly bad. The event was brought to my attention by a reputable and…



It’s been a wee bit chilly around here lately. Theo has been protesting his walks. A few days ago while on a walk he took turns holding one paw up off the sidewalk. So – his walks have been short. Perhaps he needs some slippers…

Check it out!

Check it out!

I was going to originally blog about my procraftination. (procrastination via craft) I made myself a spiffy new apron with old jeans and overall remnants I had laying around. Theo was hamming it up for the camera. Here’s a closeup. Yes, one of the pieces…

Pot Shot

Pot Shot

Onion Jar Originally uploaded by jenniethepotter A view from the top of the newest onion pot.

What I did on my Christmas Vacation

What I did on my Christmas Vacation

The lead up to the holidays were a blur of late nights in the studio, shows on the weekends and last minute gift knitting. As usual my heart was bigger than time allowed and many presents were unfinished at Christmas. I gave up the ghost…

No coast = no sleep

No coast = no sleep

Friday and Saturday was No Coast Craft-O-Rama at the global market here in Mpls. ( Had I been a responsible blogger I would have posted before the event – but I was so busy getting all of my pieces ready for the show that everything…

Update . . .

Update . . .

EB was a great success! We sent out press releases to every news agency in the cities and got ZERO press coverage. Seems incongruous to have those two sentences back to back. Word of mouth brought over 700 people who purchased over 1100 handmade bowls.…