Hello again . . .

Hello again . . .

Hey there, hi there, ho there! I’ve been having great difficulty getting back into the swing of things. The cruise was fabulous! I keep meaning to blog – but somehow always manage to postpone it. What’s the best way to get back in the saddle?…



If you’re anywhere in the TC metro and have nothing to do today get over to the Powderhorn neighborhood and attend the May Day Parade! In The Heart of the Beast Theater puts on an wonderful show. Powderhorn Empty Bowls will be on the south…

Buzy Little Bee

Buzy Little Bee

Check out my fabulous worker bee! (It’s me ma!) So – the last time I posted I was working on the Icelandic yoke. Gasp! It’s been finished for weeks now. I fully documented the steek and sewing but haven’t had the time to put together…

Yoke and YO

Yoke and YO

Hello, I am a very messy icelandic yoke sweater. My sleeves have just been added and my yoke has just begun. Please overlook my naughty bits that are showing. The MN Knitter’s Guild held their annual Yarnover event on Saturday. It was a long day…

Tomten! (the directors cut)

Tomten! (the directors cut)

This is the second Tomten I’ve knit and the first for an adult. What follows is a brief run down of the project. I picked up the yarn at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool show from Chris at Briar Rose. ( Insert gushing sigh here)Every…

April Fools

April Fools

On Sunday it was 50 degrees and beautiful. This morning I shoveled.

Tour O’ the Midwest

Tour O’ the Midwest

It’s the time of year where I’m checking my mail box and wondering when I’ll know what my summer season will bring. Last year was a bit hectic participating in an event almost every weekend. This year I have resolved to be home more so…

February Baby Sweater – in March

February Baby Sweater – in March

Oooh how I love this little sweater. I could go on and on about my love for EZ, couldn’t most knitters? This little gem was gifted to my good friend Elly for her first due in early June. The mom to be was wearing the…



Two in one day? I had to share . . .Look what’s up!It’s just the beginning . . .Whatdaythink?

I (heart) MN

I (heart) MN

Up there in the center of the flag you’ll see a hardworking farmer. Surprisingly enough he isn’t depicted wearing shorts. Yesterday the temperature here got up to 49 degrees. On my drive to teach last night I saw cars with windows rolled down, a convertible…