Dude, I’m a cheap date
This, my friends, is what happens when you have a lot of pottery to get done and you still want to spend time with your honey.
you like clay, it's your favorite
This, my friends, is what happens when you have a lot of pottery to get done and you still want to spend time with your honey.
It’s summer, finally hot and sticky and I’m firing kilns twice a week. That makes for a steamy house- especially since we do not have central air. If the dog could fit in the window he surely would.
(“Arctic Char” purchased in Juneau Alaska this spring!) Seems like an appropriate title for this blog entry. I’m running all over the place lately. I’ve been making pots, firing kilns and traveling almost every weekend. I participated in the Midwest Fiber and Folk Fair this…
Just in time for show and tell at camp I finished the February Lady Sweater. (I used Mission Falls 1824 color 030 – barely into the 13th skein.) I’m please with the finished garment – just looking for the perfect buttons!! I’m thinking big wooden…
So I looked at my schedule for July and said to myself – yeah I can join a few new Ravelry groups. I jumped on the Tour de Fleece bandwagon and in a late night Ravelry worm hole I found the HHHH handspun fiber swap.…
Our babe’s have flown the nest. There were five eggs laid, but only four babies survived. I tried to catch the first flight – but missed it. Here’s a parting shot of the final four finch babies before they abandoned their chateau on our porch.…
The American Swedish Institute held it’s annual Midsummer celebration a week ago and I’ve been meaning to post pictures of it here. The Nobel prize ceremony gowns of the queen of Sweden were on display inside. ( If you have a princess obsessed little one…
To most a pug is a small dog. To a potter a pug (mill) is a lifesaver. Today we recycled 500 pounds of clay for Empty Bowls at the South High ceramics studio. A pug mill has a large auger that mixes the clay before…
Our oven is broken. As DIY folks we decided to look into fixing it ourselves.Here’s a gem from the Reader’s Digest How to Repair an Electric or Gas Range.