Post ID: 96

Seriously busy ’round here. With now less than a week before I have to leave to get to Rhinebeck I’m tempting fate and pushing my skills to see how many pots can be produced in our little basement studio. Every surface is covered with pottery…

Dilly Lovin’

Dilly Lovin’

Today I took a brief break from the studio to make some pickled vegetables. This year I’m skipping cucumbers and just focusing on what we all went nuts for last year. My mom stopped over and in a wee three hours we were able to…



After a soggy weekend in Chicago I returned home on Monday and promptly crashed, hard. Renegade was great, despite the weather, but the hours were a bit long. I understand the show wants to have people stick around for the bands but really who shops…

Yeah! Renegade!

Yeah! Renegade!

First it rained. Then we got a flat tire. Then it poured. Now it has stopped raining and (fingers crossed) people will come! Stop on by booth 188! I an sharing with my pal *Biggie.12 – 10pm Sat and Sun. Division and Wood , Chicago.

Early morning kiln birth

Early morning kiln birth

After a misfire yesterday, I unloaded a kiln destined for Wisconsin Sheep and Wool in the wee hours of the morning. Then I drove for five hours and set up!

The Great Minnesota Get Together

The Great Minnesota Get Together

Wall of honey, jams, and jellies We’re quite proud of our state fair here in MN. ( Second largest state fair , thank you very much) Mr. Lanners and I like to head out to the fair early and catch all the animals before they’re…

Home Sweet Home!!!

Home Sweet Home!!!

View Larger Map Finally after a nearly two week hiatus I am finally home. From Minneapolis to Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Allegan, Allegan to Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Madison, Madison to Kohler, Kohler to Shaumburg, Shaumburg to Rockford (oops), Rockford to Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Madison, Madison to…

Mr. Lanners fixed it!

Mr. Lanners fixed it!

We have been experiencing technical problems with emails to the jenniethepotter site. If you have emailed me and had it bounce back please resend your email! It should work now . . . he fixed it!



The periodic table of Chicago style hot dog condiments. When in Rome . . .



Why hello there! I’m currently in the greater Milwaukee area. Google maps directed me to the closest Internet cafe and it’s inside an Aveda beauty school – go figure. I have no idea where to begin to recount the happenings of the last week. I’ve…