Month: July 2009

Buttons, and stitchmarkers

Buttons, and stitchmarkers

These little bowls contain hundreds of buttons and stitchmarkers. Today they will be organized and glazed. I’ve arranged for studio help this week so I can throw some last minute pots while these are being finished! Hurrah!

Head down

Head down

Why hello there blog. How ya been? Me, well I’ve been busy. Head down making pots for a big event in Portland. Lots of the standard designs, some fresh new ones, and even a limited edition for the event. Gotta go. Today’s goal 100# of…

Edible Mitten

Edible Mitten

I took a break from the studio and visited a farm near Stillwater for some berry picking with friends. Turns out I’m a mutant magnet, finding triplets and bivalves that look more like an Everlasting Gobstopper than a strawberry. I was trumped by my friend Gretchen who found a mitten.