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My trip was amazing! I was able to visit with many friends and make many new ones too! Since I’ve been gone for almost two weeks I have many stories and pictures to share. So I think I’ll parse them out over the next few days, or weeks. I took the long way home and boy was it worth it! Minneapolis to NY and back via Toronto. Check out the Google Map for a condensed version of my adventures. I am going to be getting back to business and my routine tomorrow.

Today I had the pleasure of spending the day with some great kids – we played a game of Monopoly to the end. I was trying to make the game end and stopped using a “strategy” – I won – go figure.

2 thoughts on “Home!!”

  • yay you made it! I can’t wait to hear/read more.
    Thank you for my sheep mug. It was so much fun meeting you and talking with you at Rhinebeck, however short!
    Hope you enjoy my yarn as much as I enjoy my mug, which I use every night for my hot tea.

  • Welcome home! It was fun seeing you show up on other’s blogs. At least one, anyway. I forget which one I say you on, but it was great.

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